Thursday, February 17, 2011

Class of 2011

The new LMH class is underway. The formation program began at the end of January with a week or orientation and a week of retreat. They are now full swing with regular classes such as a weekly scripture and theology class, two day workshop on communication, learning about the Myers-Briggs personality inventory, spirituality classes, etc.

The Class of 2011 consists of Jeff & Dorothy Flint (Bronx, NY), Debbie Bauer (Pasadena, CA) and Frank Olszyna (Torrance, CA). They bring their experience in youth ministry, teaching English, computers, administration, and much more. They will be given their official assignments for mission in March. Wherever they go, they will bring with them a wealth of experience, a desire to learn, and a faith that motivates them to leave family and friends and go out to the ends of the earth.

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