In less than two months, the LMH Class of 2012 will begin their 4-month formation. I've asked our candidates to share a little about themselves and their reasons for wanting to be a Lay Mission-Helper. Below are a few words from Elizabeth Warpinski, a young woman from Wisconsin:
"I don't think I'm anyone's standard for a missionary. I drink too much, swear too much, and adore science fiction. It just goes to show that no matter who you are, when God calls, you answer. I first received the call when I was seventeen, over six years ago, and it has been a constant source of guidance ever since. There are a lot of things in my life I don't plan for, preferring to fly by the seat of my pants, so the intensity with which I knew I needed to mission proved to me the sincerity of its divine origin. When I am asked why I am doing this I often flounder at an explanation beyond "because I have to". I suppose it would be more correct to say "because God told me to."
I grew up on a small farm in Wisconsin where I learner the various crafts of herdsmanship, husbandry, woodworking, plumbing, cooking, and sewing. My parents instilled in me a love for the Church at a very young age, but I don't think they expected it to carry me so far. Dad's proud. Mom's terrified. In high school I was involved in theater, swimming and 4-h. At university I started as a wildlife major, but ended with a Bachelor of Arts in English lit. And I once again became involved in theater. I just really like telling stories.
I am impatient to begin my training with the Lay Mission-Helpers. I cannot wait to dive into the work God gave me. I will miss home a bit, miss my dog a lot, but nothing can stop me from doing the work I was called to do."
Peace be with you,
Elizabeth J. Warpinski